Weather icons fitting the OpenWeatherMap icon numbers can be found on the web if you google around here and there. You could decide to use my OWMicons or design your own.
The weather icons must be in PNG format and stored in the proper variables directory within Indigo. I think it should be /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/IndigoWebServer/images/controls/devices. You need to create 18 icons, nine for daytime, and nine for the night. The filename should read “owm+NND.png” where “NN” is an icon number and “D” represents the Day or Night icon. the following icon numbers are defined:
- 01 – clear moon or clear sun
- 02 light clouds with moon or sun partly visible
- 03 – clouds, no moon or sun
- 04 – heavy clouds, no moon or sun
- 09 – heavy rain, no moon or sun
- 10 – light clouds, light rain, visible moon or sun
- 11 – thunderstorm with rain, no moon or sun visible
- 13 – snow with clouds
- 50 -fog
Have fun and create your own nice graphs!